5 Traits of Successful Contractors

– Helpful Tips from a Dependable Contractor Insurance Broker

Contractors, who are considered the backbone of America, provide indispensable services for businesses and homeowners. Plumbers fix leaks, electricians keep the lights on, and general contractors build homes and office buildings. These individuals, unafraid of getting their hands dirty, ensure their clients are well taken care of. Being a part of these vital industries is not just admirable, it’s a source of pride and accomplishment. It takes hard work and some traits you need to develop to become a successful contractor. One of the first things you can do to boost your success is to protect your enterprise with quality contractor insurance from a reputable broker.  

Focus on the Top 5 Traits of a Trusted Contractor

Not surprisingly, many folks may think it doesn’t take much to swing a hammer and make money. Knowing the trades is vital, but to achieve success as a contractor and make a lasting impact, there are a few traits you should have or work to develop:

  1. Strong communication skills: As a contractor, you’re the bridge between many different people, including subcontractors, clients, and government officials. Each interaction is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and professionalism, helping you win jobs, complete them on time, and within the requirements of municipal guidelines. Focus on developing strong verbal and written communication skills, empowering yourself to navigate any situation with confidence.
  2. Organizational abilities: Not only do you need to work with a variety of people, but you will be juggling many deadlines, bids, and other functions of owning a business. You may also have a crew to lead and manage in addition to your other duties. Keeping meticulous records and creating an efficient team will go a long way toward your success.
  3. Excellent customer service approach: You will interact with many different types of clients as you service their needs. The better the quality of service you provide, the more extensive the network of clients that will be happy to refer new business to you. Your customer service parameters must include quick responses to inquiries, providing multiple ways to contact you, and always being professional and courteous.
  4. Community involvement: Actively participating in industry associations is an excellent way to make network connections. These organizations also provide opportunities for continued learning and development. Another way to get involved is through your community, for example, sponsoring a Little League team or participating in a clean-up day.
  5. Building a relationship with your contractor insurance broker: Accidents will happen. A client’s yard gets torn up during a job, or an employee gets injured. You may even face theft of your equipment. In all cases, having a dependable broker will help you.

Protect Your Business with Contractor Insurance

Becoming a successful contractor in your chosen industry begins with making wise choices about insurance. The Hawsey Insurance team has served Mississippi’s contractors and business owners for years and understands the needs of a wide range of industries. We can provide the right coverage at reasonable rates to help your contracting business be successful. Look to us for quality policies unique to your industry, including general liability, property coverage, umbrella coverage, worker’s compensation, and even cybersecurity insurance. We’re here to support you and your contractor business now and for years to come. Learn more when you contact us today.

Call Hawsey Insurance at 601-856-7707 for your contractor insurance needs. Feel free to contact us online or make an appointment to stop by our Madison, Jackson, and Southaven, MS offices.