Understanding Adult Daycare Insurance in Mississippi

Daycare Insurance MississippiWhile most daycare centers focus on children, there are also many adult daycare centers operating in Mississippi. The need for adult daycares is likely to increase as baby boomers continue to age. If you operate an adult daycare, you already know that you face different risk exposures than daycares for children.

Choosing the right insurance can protect you, the older adults in your care, and their families. Accidents are another area of concern among this vulnerable population. The right insurance can also protect you from allegations and charges against you or your employees. Learn more about the essential and optional daycare insurance in Mississippi.

Types of Coverage to Consider

The types of insurance you need depend on the size of your facility, your location, and the type of clients you work with. You will need commercial general liability, commercial property, and workers compensation insurance to provide minimal protection for your business. Be aware that Mississippi state law requires workers compensation for businesses with more than five employees.

Essential types of adult daycare insurance in Mississippi include the following:

  • Commercial General Liability. This coverage protects your business in the event of third-party property damages and injuries. If one of your staff members damages a client’s wheelchair or walker, or a family member slips on a wet floor in the lobby, commercial general liability may help cover the medical costs or damages.
  • Commercial Property. This insurance covers the physical structure and assets within it.
  • Workers’ Compensation. This mandatory insurance will cover the cost of medical care, lost wages, and other related expenses for work-related injuries or illnesses. Hernias, back sprains, and other injuries are much more common among workers who frequently lift older adults. So make sure your business is covered.

Additional Coverage Types to Consider

  • Premises liability. Due to age, physical and mental impairments, and other factors, adult daycare centers face unique risks. It makes sense to purchase premises liability insurance to help cover those risks. Speak with your Hawsey insurance agent to ensure you have the right mix of protection.
  • Abuse and molestation. Allegations of abuse or molestation can dramatically impact your business. To reduce your exposure, consider investing in abuse and molestation insurance for help covering the cost of legal expenses. Keep in mind that abusers are not covered under insurance but that this type of insurance offers limited coverage for your facility.
  • Even after extensive interviews and background checks, you could still make a bad hiring decision that puts your business at risk. Separate and reconcile duties such as ordering, billing, and distribution of supplies. Carefully monitor bank deposits if you don’t make them yourself. In addition, consider adding crime insurance to your business insurance bundle.
  • Commercial auto. Adult daycare centers face high-risk exposure when it comes to transporting clients to and from appointments due to their age and physical condition. Therefore, it’s important to have enough medical and liability insurance in the event of an accident.


Call Hawsey Insurance at (601) 856-7707 for advice on the best mix of daycare insurance in Mississippi. Contact us online with your questions or for a free quote. We have three offices available in Madison, Jackson, and Southaven, MS.