5 Misconceptions to Discuss with Your Commercial Insurance Agent

Determining the best coverage for your company requires more than purchasing a policy and checking that task off your list. If you treat insurance like a task on your never-ending list, you may have some misconceptions leading to your enterprise being inadequately protected and financially vulnerable. Buying coverage is best done when you have access to a commercial insurance agent in Mississippi who deeply understands the unique needs of your business. They can help you ascertain the best options for you, your employees, and your company.

Issues Your Insurance Agent Can Clear Up  

Finding the best commercial insurance in Mississippi begins by clearing up some misconceptions, including:

  1. A general liability insurance policy is all I need. Many people believe that having general liability insurance covers them from all claims. That isn’t true. This type of coverage is used for claims of physical bodily injury or property damage resulting from an accident. It will not cover every potential liability you may face.
  2. My business is too small to need insurance. Any size business faces risks and liabilities, not just large corporations. One aspect many companies may not realize is that cyber thieves love mid-to-small-sized businesses because they will often cave into pressure and pay up the ransom. Any liability has the potential to sideline a company and put them out of business.
  3. Only high-risk industries need workers’ compensation insurance. This type of coverage protects your employees and you if a claim arises from an injury or illness while on the job. And they happen all the time in all different industries. Additionally, some states require business owners to have a workers’ compensation policy.
  4. I have strong cybersecurity. I don’t need cyber liability coverage. Any business can fall victim to the wiles of a cybercriminal. Data breaches and cyberattacks happen at increasing rates, and you may not be prepared for the newest efforts these innovative criminals will use. A policy that covers the financial losses and liabilities you may face can help keep your peace of mind.
  5. My landlord’s insurance will cover my business assets. Your landlord’s insurance is insufficient if you are a tenant within a commercial space. They are responsible for protecting the building structure, not your property or liabilities.

Work with a Commercial Insurance Agent Who Understands Your Needs

Avoid misconceptions that can leave you in a tough spot should you be served with a lawsuit. The team at Hawsey Insurance works with many different types of businesses and understands the nuances you face. We aim to develop a long-term relationship with all our clients so that we can aid them with the best policy for their situation at reasonable rates. If you have existing policies, we are happy to review them and offer options to seal any gaps to ensure peace of mind. Talk to us today about your needs and let us answer any questions you may have. We’re here to help you.

Call Hawsey Insurance at 601-856-7707 to request a quote from a commercial insurance agent in Mississippi. Feel free to contact us online or make an appointment to stop by our Madison, Jackson, and Southaven, MS offices.